
Our research indicates that these courses include critical disability studies perspectives in their curricula. If you are an instructor/faculty and would like your upcoming class included on this list, please contact us

Spring 2024  

GWSS 3215: Bodies that Matter: Feminist Approaches to Disability Studies

The COVID-19 pandemic has made questions of disability and ableism central and visible for all of us as never before. Dis/ability is not a physical or mental defect but a form of social meaning mapped to certain bodies in larger systems of power and privilege. Feminist approaches explore dis/ability as a vector of oppression intersecting and constituted through race, class, gender, sexuality, and citizenship. The course examines ideologies of ableism and the material realities of such oppression, and works toward imagining and constructing a more just and equitable society. As health care is differentially distributed or limited for people who are sickened by COVID-19, we see that systems of social and economic power determine the life chances of those who claim, or are claimed by disability. Meanwhile, people with disabilities have developed many daily life strategies that can be models for everyone coping with the pandemic.


ARTH 5950: Curating Disability Justice

Curating Disability Justice is a graduate seminar where students will work with a diverse group of disability justice community members to create an online and physical exhibition that centers the art and histories of local disabled artists and activists. Students will engage in all aspects of exhibition production from the conceptual framework, layout, interpretation of objects, recording of oral histories, and preparation of didactics. The class will also design creative access measures (visual description, touch objects, sensory-friendly experiences, and comfortable seating) to produce an exhibition experience that understands inclusion as its own artistic practice. Through a combination of lectures, interactive workshops, and collaborative projects, students will learn what it means to curate inclusive, intersectional, and accessible exhibitions grounded in the principles of disability justice.

Fall 2023 

  • FRENCH 1501/1502: Gateways to French Studies: Race, Sexuality and Disability
  • ENGL 3461: Disability Narratives
  • FREN 3650: Topics in French/Francophone Cultures: Disability and Medicine in French Graphic Novels
  • HSPH 5001: Disability Justice and Cultural Heritage
  • ARTH 5576: Outsiders in American Art
  • LAW 6909: Abolition & the Carceral State

Summer 2023

  • GEOG 3381W: Population in an Interacting World

Spring 2023 

  • FRENCH 1501/1502: Gateways to French Studies: Race, Sexuality and Disability 
  • ENGL 3090: Reframing American Eugenics
  • ENGL 3461: Disability Narratives
  • GWSS 8210: Seminar: Feminist Theory and Practice
  • WRIT 85501: Seminar: Embodied Politics
  • AMST 8920: Autoethnography: Feminist, Queer, and Decolonial Approaches

Fall 2022 

  • LAW 6909: Abolition & the Carceral State
  • FRENCH 1501/1502: Gateways to French Studies: Race, Sexuality and Disability 

Spring 2022

  • GWSS 3215: Bodies That Matter: Feminist Approaches to Disability Studies
  • DES 4160/5170 Special Topics in Design Justice*: Disability, Racism, & The Intersections of Design Justice